
Book Review 'The Princess Diarist' by Carrie Fisher

Star Wars...nothing but Star Wars ! ♪♫ 
For most of my life I've avoided Star Wars,my parents were never into movies so even when the prequels came out,I only developed an obsession with Padme because they put a toy that looked like her in my cereals. I remember seeing 'The Empire Strikes Back' and of course remembering the moment when Vador tells Luke he's his dad. But that was it at the time. It took me to be in my 20s to actually watch all movies and when 'The Force Awakens' came out I was in love with this universe like many.
I have seen 'The Last Jedi', I've loved it and what I remember the most is Carrie Fisher's performance. Every Leia moments had me in tears. 
And last week while browsing for books to buy, I saw this :

I had no idea Carrie Fisher was a writer as well. I read a few pages and was set, I had to buy this book and read it.(which is great since one of my resolution in 2018 is to only read books written by females
So 'The Princess Diarist' isn't the first book that Carrie Fisher has written (it's actually the last ) and this autobiography is riveting. I think everyone expects to have an account on 'the gossip part' of what happened behind the scenes in Star Wars, but what really made me love this book is how thoughtful, raw and emotional it ended up being.

Fisher has a way to write that is witty and lovely. (and so is her handwriting,damn I wish I my handwriting was like hers) And what really got me almost tearing up is how even 40 years later, she truly was in love with Harrison Ford. There's so much nostalgia and emotion through the way she  details her relationship with him, you can't help but agree, and if you've ever been in love, there's so much you can relate reading Fisher expose her feelings .
The book also included poems and extracts from the diaries she had during the filming of Star Wars, and again she has such a way with words, it was fascinating to read the turmoil that consumed her for 3 months.
And after reading it all,I rewatched  Leia and Han's moments in 'The Force Awakens' and they all resonated even deeper with me , the performance of Fisher's being even more emotional when you realize that she carried 40 years of emotions and tenderness for Ford.

As with anything Carrie Fisher does, her writing is incredibly honest, even if she keeps the most intimate details for herself (which makes everything even more sweet to me) and some moments are actually quite disturbing at times too. (like how she alludes to almost getting raped by some crew members) 
There's an honesty about Leia about how she will always be her for better and worse. Like a marriage you can't quite get a divorce, no matter how hard you try. Her honesty about Star Wars fans makes you realize how tiresome it is to be in the spotlight for 40 years because of how iconic your character becomes. But Fisher has a way to recall it all with her sharp sense of humour that makes you understand and appreciate her point of view.

I loved reading The Princess Diarist, it's a witty, sharp and thoughtful autobiography that makes you miss Carrie Fisher even more. I truly enjoyed reading through Fisher's excellent writing and that is why it gets 5 stars from me!

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