
Avengers Infinity War : A review

10 years in the making lead to the 3rd Avengers movie, which represents the end of Phase 3 but certainly not the end of Marvel movies.
Infinity War deals with the damage that left everyone after Civil War disbanded and isolated and now that Thanos is here to end it all, it's time for a much needed reunion, but will he succeed against earth mightiest heroes ?

Infinity War was a movie that I had been dreading. I had faith in the Russos brothers (after all they gave us The Winter Soldier AND Civil War) but the thought "What if it is disappointing ?" kept creeping up on me. I mean this Avenger movie isn't just ANY Avenger movie, it is 10 years of end credit scenes, character building leading to this moment that lasted over 2 hours and provided a lot of tears on my end. 
And to say I was not disappointed is an understatement. This movie devastated me. It brought all the characters I love, put a charismatic villain which the MCU was desperately needing at this point , and raised the stakes so high it left me crying at the end .
Thanos is not only physically imposing, he also has goals to achieve no matter what the cost is. You hate to love him but he is a compelling villain. You understand his mad motivations and throughout the entire movie he moves at a fast path that makes you wonder how our heroes will manage to stop him. Even makes you wonder if they'll be able to do such thing, and as much I generally love the MCU movies, they have , for the most part , been sometimes not so surprising and lacked stakes that leaves you speechless. This one however, does not. The stakes are real and when everything goes down, it goes down hard. 
It's a brutal wake up call and a nice surprise. By the end of it you realize that waiting another year for the follow up, is quite a cruel thing that Disney/Marvel Studios has done to us.

As for the characters, nonetheless to say that putting everyone together from the original Avengers to the Guardians of the Galaxy to the newest additions like Doctor Strange and Peter Parker , is quite the task and thankfully the writers and the Russo Brothers achieved what could have been a complete misfire. Everyone keeps more or less their personality , outside of some questionable behaviors at times, and the pairings were made in a clever way that made Doctor Strange and Tony Stark banters quite fun.
As always Thor stays a strong favourite of mine and now that Ragnarok grew a lot more on me, he continues in this movie to be a a strong compelling character and seeing Chris Hemsworth and everyone else giving their all and commit so much to these characters is quite a warm feeling. 

I won't spoil the story but the 3rd act of the movie left me emotionally scarred to the point of literally having nightmares about it the following night. But that ending had a refreshing surprising tone that made me want to see the movie another time to make sure I got all the references and the story right.

Visually speaking the movie is stunning, with each planet (the earth and others in space) being represented as believably as they can and Thanos himself looked great. Honestly not much to say outside of Bruce Banner in the hulkbuster looking very CGI at times. But that's a nitpick.

My biggest nitpick might be the soundtrack, after the amazing work provided by Henry Jackman on previous Russo directed entries, Alan Silvestri is back for this 3rd Avenger movie and I'm not so sure how to feel about it. The Avengers theme is still here and amazing but the rest felt not that memorizing which is a problem that has been present in many Marvel movies. (with exceptions being the Captain America movies from 2014 onward to Spider Man Homecoming but yes, it's just a few and no the songs used in Guardians movie do not count!)

Avengers Infinity War is a beast of a movie to digest and if you've never been into the MCU movies, then you might want to look the other way as this one will be far from satisfying to any non-fan of that cinematic universe. But if like me you've been someone who has been at every showing of all those movies since 2008, then Infinity War will provide everything you ever dreamed of such an ambitious movie could do. The stakes are real and the loss are heavy but the gain from following almost religiously a  series of movies like the MCU has provided pays off in ways I never imagined.

Thanks for reading this review, I plan of writing one for Black Panther once the digital copy is officially out so look forward to this one as well and don't hesitate to tell me what you think of Infinity War down below or on twitter !

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