
My Good Resolutions for 2018 !

Now that 2017 has ended, I took a bit of a step back and review what 2017 was for me. So for 2018 I have a few goals personal and professional and I thought I could share with you (and why not share in the comments what yours are! ) 

1. More Reviews  in 2018 ! 

My first good resolution is to make more reviews, last year was a difficult one for many reasons (mostly personal) and compared to 2016 I had a drop of 40 reviews and the main reason is that I spent the year being eaten either by work, personal problems and massive anxiety.
There are many reviews that I wanted to publish even if they were late but "deadline" anxiety made me give up completely. 
This is why I have decided that in 2018 I will take my time,miss the release date but still make the review.
I'm setting a goal of 130 reviews for 2018, are you guys with me ?

2. Be kinder to Myself
gif/art by chibird
Life isn't always the easiest and from the last few years a lot happened to me , mostly health wise (both emotional and physical) and this year I want to be kinder to myself, understand why things are happening and try to find a solution to my problems that will not let me get scarred in the process. 

3. Only Read Books Written by Women
Art by Pusheen

Another small goal I have this year is to only read books written by women. I started it last year but I want to commit to this a 100% in 2018 and try my best to make it as diverse and interesting as I can. I  already finished Carrie Fisher's 'The Princess Diarist', a beautifully funny and emotional autobiography. I loved Fisher's fierceness and honesty and highly recommend it.

So here are my big three resolutions in 2018, don't hesitate to tell me what are yours in the comment or hit me up on twitter for a talk !

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