
Movie Review : Annihilation

The 'Shimmer' is an advancing field that changes everything in its path at an alarming rate. Lena and four other scientists are sent there as a last resort to understand what is happening and how to fix it.

How do you write a review about a movie like 'Annihilation' ? On one hand I want to share my experience and how I felt after watching it, but on the other hand telling you , person reading this article, too much would be a disservice to you in your own journey through discovering this movie.
So, Annihilation . What a movie.

I went completely blind into it and I recommend you do too. The less you know the more you will enjoy it. Or at least you might.
Just like Garland's previous movie 'Ex Machina', 'Annihilation' in a way is a reflection of human nature that uses its antagonist to make us question our surroundings and our very own existence, only this time it's a little bit more abstract and requires you to enjoy slow paced scenes and be in no hurry of a big monster being shot by Natalie Portman's Lena. This aspect I personally found quite rewarding and never found myself bored. In fact I was glued to my computer. (having netflix on it)

Even though it is a new Sci-Fi entry, it will certainly not be as popcorn worthy as Aliens, but it definitively borrows here and there with references being sometimes subtle, sometimes not from a wide variety of movies, novels etc... while also allowing the movie to exists in its own terms. 
I wish I could share other movies that Annihilation made me think of, but again it would almost be too spoilery. So go watch it and hit it me up on twitter or in the comment section here to share !

So what can I really say about 'Annihilation' ? Well , let's start with the acting. Everyone involved no matter how small their part is was excellent. From 'even more stoic than usual' Oscar Isaac to Benedict Wong's small part, to of course the team of scientists that we spent most of our time with, there is not one person in this movie that does not give their talent a boost . Actually the performances feel so selfless in this movie that I did not see the actors, I saw the characters, something that is not as easy as it used to be and always more than welcomed.

Natalie Portman being the one getting the bigger piece of the pie dialogue and story wise, you cannot deny that she brings it everytime. She's no Jackie Kennedy here , but she has to deal with the loss of her husband too .
Thompson's quiet and soft Josie Radek is a nice contrast from last year's Valkyrie in Thor : Ragnarok even though both characters share some painful scars in their own ways.
Even Gina Rodriguez' Anya is a fierce and unpredictable character that makes you feel for her and even though her actions are lead through panic and fear, you understand where she is coming from.

I also have to talk about the soundtrack, by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow, a haunting,at times creepy and sometimes comforting soundtrack that goes along the movie and soars when needed. It almost like it is surrounding you like 'the Shimmer' at times. Also, please note that as I am writing this review I am listening to this OST and it's quite effective in refreshing my memory.

Annihilation is a Sci-Fi movie that makes you think and it might not be the usual popcorn Sci-Fi where everyone shoots before they think, but it is quite efficient and I personally found it to be right up my alley. There are questions pending, others answered (sort of) and unanswered,  but it definitively stays with you and makes you wonder about the world in a way you might not have  before.

What did you think of Annihilation ? Let me know in the comments down below or on twitter , and thanks for reading my review !

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