
I had an epiphany !

When 2018 started I realized that I had no idea what kind of new design for the channel I could make.
Then today after reviewing Oh my Girl new EP 'Banana Allergy Monkey' it hit me : I had an idea ! 
A few hours after publishing the review, I realized that I loved the visuals for this come back so much, that I had an epiphany : a new design with this same style of retro pixelated design.
(Note : it also doesn't help that I've been playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and the pixelated characters are way too cute)

I tried many designs, and since I usually don't make any pixel characters, it was quite a challenge but I knew the way I wanted to go and after a couple of trials and errors I got to making a semi decent avatar :

I still have a lot to learn but compared to the previous design I'd say I'm getting somewhere.
This definitively gives anime vibes a little but from a plain avatar to this I feel satisfied and happy about the result. I also already made a Xmas version for this year.

So this is my little blog post about a very important moment from today. I thought I was going to keep the former design since I had a creative block for over 3 months but then thanks to the most random moment after a review that should've been just that ,I just knew what to do. 
I was scared at first, then incredibly excited and the frustration that I felt (being someone who can't draw at all) soon left and the more I worked the more I realised I had a pretty nice design on my hands.

Now I used a little website called piskel , it's incredibly useful , you can have different layers and slowly built your character & co. the way you want to no problem. 

I also need to thank a few people who kindly put tutorials online and that helped me to figure out many things : Shaeshaesweet @ DeviantArt (for the hair layouts) / Fonyl (@deviantart as well) for the face layouts . Simple but efficient tutorials that helped me create this. 

Anyway I just wanted to share the process that went behind this new design. Hopefully in a few years it'll be even better ! But I wanted to share about it because spending hours on this new design reminded me why I love making videos on YouTube , it's not just the community, the reviews, it's everything that makes me feel that I am in charge of it all.

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